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No New Posts Underground Dens

The underground dens are where wolves can be cozy and snuggle up. It is pretty comfortable here, it's mostly made out of dirt and tree roots and has great insolation. Cool in the summer, warm in the winter.

Moderators: Wolf_Legend, ♫♪βlaze♪

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No New Posts Pit Dens

These are the put dens. It's a lot like an underground den, but these are a bit smaller and colder. It's a cross between a cave den and an underground den. It's made of stones, dirt, ad tree roots.

Moderators: Wolf_Legend, ♫♪βlaze♪

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No New Posts Pack Den

This is where your main pack's den is. It has many branches off of the main part and many wolves can live herer along with the alpha.

Moderators: Wolf_Legend, ♫♪βlaze♪

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No New Posts Cave Dens

This is where your wolves can make dens out of caves. Here it is usually cold, so make sure your wolf has a thick coat if they plan on living here.

Moderators: Wolf_Legend, ♫♪βlaze♪

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No New Posts Leaf Dens

These are the leaf dens. They are made out of leaves and are sometimes warm, but they do not provide a lot of shelter from weather or other animals.

Moderators: Wolf_Legend, ♫♪βlaze♪

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Here is where the dens are. You can either choose for your wolf to live in the pack den, a cave, an underground den, a pit den, or a leaf den.
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